The Electriq Hour: Omni presents Cocoon Live has finished. Please stay tuned for our next event!
The Electriq Hour comes to you from deep within the HK jungle , with a livestream from Cocoon – the final event of the year from fantastic boutique electronic events organiser Omni.Featuring our very own festival director and Robot crew DJ Mike the Unstoppable, the line up also includes a glorious and eclectic array of talent including: Darka, Blood Dunza, Immuno, “Disco Doctor” Jayme and many others.
The Electriq Hour live 第二彈!The Electriq Hour: Omni presents Cocoon Live 已經結束,請密切留意下一次活動~
今日由下晝1點開始至到晚上11點,本地好正嘅主辦Omni 將為大家帶嚟一系列 精彩DJ set – 包括我哋音樂節嘅音樂節總監,Robot crew 嘅 DJ Mike the Unstoppable~其他出演單位包括Darka、Blood Dunza、Immuno、“Disco Doctor” Jayme 等等。即刻聽喇。
Host: Mike Hill
Executive Producer: Cookie
Producer: Peter Gorton