We feature Brit Awards Rising Star winner Griff in this first episode of Q&A With, a new interview series. The English singer songwriter of Chinese-Jamaican descent is one of the most engaging new talents around, and we enjoyed a candid chat with her.
Clockenflap Music 自上年成立以來,一直都keep 住推出唔同內容,今個星期開始,我哋又有新系列介紹畀大家。全新內容《Q&A with》,將會邀請唔同音樂人做 video訪問,每一次都問佢哋一系列關於 「第一次及最後一次」嘅經歷,務求令樂迷可以認識到呢啲音樂人唔同嘅面向。
頭炮 Clockenflap Music 《Q&A with》有請來自英國,今年全英音樂獎嘅 Rising Star得主 Griff。多才多藝嘅 Griff,除音樂創作之外,連自己MV 同形象服裝都有涉獵,想知道 Griff 初吻初次心動初次心碎等等非常私密嘅問題。