Without your support, a dream is a mere dream, that occurs in only the artist’s head. Support Olivier on~
PayLink: payme.hsbc/ravenandthesea
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FPS: 161101266
Bank: 478-1-012614 (HSBC)
Olivier Cong’s Live Concert Milou’s Dream
Hong Kong born singer, songwriter, composer & multi-instrumentalist, Olivier Cong will bring his special live concert “Milou’s Dream” to Clockenflap Music. On Milou’s Dream, Olivier Cong plays his songs with a quartet band setup, in a dreamscape setting, from old tunes to songs from his recent City of Strange EP. And lastly end with his new single, that will be released on the 1st of January next year.
暗黑文青系詩人江逸天Olivier Cong,特別為 Clockenflap Music 帶來佢最新嘅現場作品「米洛的夢」。 喺「米洛的夢」中,Olivier 會係四重奏樂隊嘅演奏陪同下,如同遊走夢境中;除耳熟能詳嘅曲調、今年發布 project album《City of Strange》入面嘅曲目外,仲會以佢最新單曲《A Thousand Winds》作結。該單曲將於2021年1月1日正式推出。 精通中西樂器嘅Olivier,每一次現場都好有驚喜,大家記住唔好錯過。