Beats & Peaces 11 with co-host Micah Fans of Janette Slack’s Beats & Peaces show have even more reason to rejoice as our inimitable host welcomes her new co-pilot, Micah, into proceedings. A veritable Perth legend, Micah is a multi-award winning DJ, Radio host, festival organiser and all round party starter. Tune in as the duo share music recommendations along with the stories behind them. Music folks talking music! Beats & Peaces 嘅聽眾們,由今集開始節目將會加入一位好正嘅 co-host – 來自澳洲嘅Micah。 作為珀斯非常傳奇嘅 DJ,Micah 攞過唔少獎。百足咁多爪嘅佢,又係電台主持又做 DJ 又搞音樂節,一路走來實有好多有趣軼事同私伙舞曲單同大家分享。唔好錯過啊! |
Tracks | Artist |
1. A View | Beardyman |
2. Mass Gathering | Breaka |
3. Moose Knuckle Sandwich | Jem Stone |
4. Money | Fouk |
5. LAB 2 | Live On Acid |
6. Make It Juicy | (On Box of Cats) |
7. This Could All End badly | Punt Guns |
8. Los Pianos | Geller |
9. Untouchable Funk | Beat Assassins |
Janette Slack